bradygirl_12 May 26, 2016 19:05
the flash, henry allen, arrow, tv, jay garrick, review
bradygirl_12 May 20, 2016 20:49
legends of tomorrow, henry allen, arrow, caitlin snow, ramon cisco, sara lance, tv, black siren, rip hunter, the flash, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., white canary, laurel lance, quentin lance, killer frost, the atom, review, ray palmer
bradygirl_12 Oct 09, 2015 10:22
henry allen, arrow, ollie queen/felicity smoak, barry allen, grant ward, green arrow/felicity smoak, supergirl, john diggle, red arrow, tv, thea queen, the flash, melinda may, agents of s.h.i.e.l.d., quentin lance, laurel lance, review, black canary